A Mayoral Visit

It was good to be able to welcome the Mayor and Mayoress of Swansea to Zac's Place recently. Cllr Mike Day and his wife Chris, called in to visit during one of our regular food provision days meeting guests, volunteers and staff, as our hot meals were prepared and served to guests. We are grateful for their genuine interest, encouragement and support for this kind of grass roots community engagement. Typically our guests receiving support are experiencing food poverty one way or another. They may be in temporary B&B accommodation with no cooking facilities, are street homeless or maybe they are housed but are essentially camping inside, not having any cooking facilities available to them. Some are quite simply finding it hard to make ends meet and our meals are a life saver. We provide meals every Thursday and Friday and can serve up to one hundred people each day, This service is part of a city wide partnership with different churches hosting different days making sure there ...